Friday, 10 January 2014

The Move

Well hello there! RL has me quite captured lately as I am probably (if I manage to sign the contract) moving next week. Exciting times!
As a result, in between moving my stuff, giving back my keys and getting the Internet at my new place, this might be my last post for the next two weeks or so. I shall come back better than ever though!

Or probably just the same as before, who knows :D

The Goods

Eye make up +Nuuna+ tattoo  makeups v8
Lips make up cheLLe (lipgloss) Juicy Gloss I
Poses //elephante poses// - Give me a reason #2 & Getting better #2
Hands Slink (with Glam Affair skin applier)
Eyes -SU!- Window Eyes Brown and Green 
Skin Glam Affair - Lucy - America
Tattoo leg Reaper tattoo done by me
Tattoo torso .:::: dEVOL ::::. Crow Message to the Earth (no longer exists)

Sunday, 5 January 2014

What if I run?

Do you ever stop to realize how quickly time flies? That thought occurred to me a few minutes ago when I realized it was already Sunday evening and tomorrow I was heading back to work. It then got me thinking about how it was 2014 already and the whole year had just flown by.

I believe it's mostly due to the unemployment period, as time just loses its meaning during that, but it still feels like 2013 went by in a flash. I think in general time seems to be speeding up with the older I get. 

Mind you, I'm only 26, what will it be in a few decades?!

The Goods


Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Staying Alive

Happy New Year everyone!
This has been an eventful year for me, be it RL or SL with its good and its bad but all in all I find myself happy with how everything turned out. I hope you can look back on your year and think the same and that this new one will bring happiness and fun your way!

The Goods

Face tattoo dl:: HG Face Tattoo (8 colors)
Eyes make up .:Glamorize:
Hair TRUTH HAIR Melita -  light blondes
Poses //elephante poses// - I'll Be Waiting #5 & I will follow you Into the Dark #2
Nails Action Slink Nails Urban
Hands Slink (with Glam Affair skin applier)
Eyes -SU!- Window Eyes Brown and Green 
Skin Glam Affair - Lucy - America
Tattoo torso .:::: dEVOL ::::. Crow Message to the Earth (no longer exists)