Saturday, 15 June 2013

Rad Parmesan

As some of you might notice there have been a few changes on the blog! Mainly the name and banner but both are linked. 
I came up with the name Faun and French when I was going to write this blog with a faun friend of mine. Sadly, that's not in the cards anymore and while I am still French, I've never been much of a faun, so the blog title didn't fit anymore.

So... does that mean Rad Parmesan fits me more? Hell yeah! I've always wanted to have a cool sidekick and what's cooler than a rad piece of parmesan? NOTHING!

More seriously, I was looking for a blog name with the letters RP (because that is what I mostly do in SL) and Rad Parmesan was the first thing that popped into my mind. Welcome to my brain.

P.S: Thanks to Morgynn and Cupcake from Our Stories to Tell for making me discover that very cute skirt!

The goods:
Face piercing [Acide!] Deviant (no longer exists)
Tattoo .:::: dEVOL ::::. Crow Message to the Earth (no longer exists)

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