Welcome to my new place
Take advantage of my grace
We're at it again, my love
This is not so innocent
The Goods
Corset *{Junbug}* Anastasia Corset [Night] by Juno Mantel (@Uber October 2014)
Shorts -Pixicat- Vintage.Set (Dark) by areve Resident (@Collabor88 October 2014)
Stockings -SU!- Lady Rebel Nylon Tights #09 (Wear Me!) by Eleanor Cyberstar (@Young Spirit The Event until October 12th)
Boots +ILO+ Trooper Boots FEM (black) by ZoZo Raven (@The Seasons Story Fall 2014)
Butterfly +Half-Deer+ Bell Jars and Standalone Butterfleyes by Halo (Halogen Magic) (@Collabor88 October 2014)
Face piercing - .HoD. - The Dead Piercings by aydan.darcy (50% off @Tengoku no Rakuen until 31st of October)
Shoulder armors -DRD- melancholy armor dark by Jaimy Hancroft
Necklace !TLB - Human Teeth Jewelry Set by Drusilla Dethly (@Bloody Horror Fair until 5th of November)
Bracelet left Grumble-Rose Cuffs-Pink by Izzy Heart (isadore.delaunay)
Bracelet right KOSH-3 MISSING LOCKS BRACELET by Lynaja Bade
Skeleton hand T-3D Creation [ Skeleton Hands - R/L - ] MESH - Full Perm - by YumiBox800
Claws rings ieQED claw.ring.obsidian by Sigi Oh (SigiFaust Resident) (@Mystic Realms Faire October 2014)
Leg band .DirtyStories. Dangerous Girl Legband by DontLeaveMeAlone Resident
Shears Siden - Garden Shears by Moth Fairy (Sooden Ren)
Shorts -Pixicat- Vintage.Set (Dark) by areve Resident (@Collabor88 October 2014)
Stockings -SU!- Lady Rebel Nylon Tights #09 (Wear Me!) by Eleanor Cyberstar (@Young Spirit The Event until October 12th)
Boots +ILO+ Trooper Boots FEM (black) by ZoZo Raven (@The Seasons Story Fall 2014)
Butterfly +Half-Deer+ Bell Jars and Standalone Butterfleyes by Halo (Halogen Magic) (@Collabor88 October 2014)
Face piercing - .HoD. - The Dead Piercings by aydan.darcy (50% off @Tengoku no Rakuen until 31st of October)
Shoulder armors -DRD- melancholy armor dark by Jaimy Hancroft
Necklace !TLB - Human Teeth Jewelry Set by Drusilla Dethly (@Bloody Horror Fair until 5th of November)
Bracelet left Grumble-Rose Cuffs-Pink by Izzy Heart (isadore.delaunay)
Bracelet right KOSH-3 MISSING LOCKS BRACELET by Lynaja Bade
Skeleton hand T-3D Creation [ Skeleton Hands - R/L - ] MESH - Full Perm - by YumiBox800
Claws rings ieQED claw.ring.obsidian by Sigi Oh (SigiFaust Resident) (@Mystic Realms Faire October 2014)
Leg band .DirtyStories. Dangerous Girl Legband by DontLeaveMeAlone Resident
Shears Siden - Garden Shears by Moth Fairy (Sooden Ren)
Face make up +Nuuna+ Ghostly makeups female by Nuuna Nitely (@Cosmetic Fair Halloween until 31st of October)
Teeth [whatever] Teeth 2.0 - Dirty (tinted a bit more yellow + alpha made by me) by AnnaGrey Resident
Grease on hands [NI.JU] Mechanic Hands SLINK Appliers by Vitani Jun
Hair TRUTH HAIR Xantheanne - colours by Truth Hawks
Poses Elephante Poses EP - Walk This Way #3 & 6 by MelissaJeanne Flores
Hands by Siddean Munro (with Glam Affair skin applier by aida.ewing)
Eyes IKON Promise Eyes - Field & Leonine by Ikon Innovia
Skin **[PUMEC] - .:IVANA:. - SKIN - Spring** by otyebis
Tattoo torso .:::: dEVOL ::::. Crow Message to the Earth (no longer exists) by Kaori Masala
Teeth [whatever] Teeth 2.0 - Dirty (tinted a bit more yellow + alpha made by me) by AnnaGrey Resident
Grease on hands [NI.JU] Mechanic Hands SLINK Appliers by Vitani Jun
Hair TRUTH HAIR Xantheanne - colours by Truth Hawks
Poses Elephante Poses EP - Walk This Way #3 & 6 by MelissaJeanne Flores
Hands by Siddean Munro (with Glam Affair skin applier by aida.ewing)
Eyes IKON Promise Eyes - Field & Leonine by Ikon Innovia
Skin **[PUMEC] - .:IVANA:. - SKIN - Spring** by otyebis
Tattoo torso .:::: dEVOL ::::. Crow Message to the Earth (no longer exists) by Kaori Masala